Simple Cycle Applications
Today’s market is requiring peaking units providing fast power gradients when high demand has to be met in a very short time. Normally these units are operating for just few hundreds hours per year but at a very remunerative power selling price. For this reason the plant efficiency is not as important as the capital cost, so many time a simple cycle composed by only a gas turbine fits the needs. The gas turbine exhaust as such, even with low NOx burners are not meeting the emission requirements and the relevant pollutants have to be removed before their release in the atmosphere. SCR and CO Catalyst Systems operate at lower temperature and thus the exhaust have to be cooled before entering in the emission abatement equipment. Nooter/Eriksen can supply the entire exhaust treatment system composed of:
Sizes from 40MW to the most advanced class combustion turbines natural gas or ultra-low diesel fuel fired.