Aftermarket Services
Nooter/Eriksen is committed to supporting the maintenance and operation of our customers’ Steam Generating Equipment, whether they are HRSGs, conventional Fired Boilers, Waste Municipal Incinerators or Biomass firing units . With our proven experience in boiler design, fabrication and installation, we have the expertise and technology to provide aftermarket services tailored to meet the demanding requirements of the industry. We can be contacted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help our clients achieve the highest level of reliability and availability.
Engineering & Inspections
Our experience, knowledge and expertise in all things HRSG allows our inspection team to assist plant personnel in identifying and prioritize the repair of the most pressing issues during limited maintenance windows as well as plan long term repairs, upgrades and modifications that will maximize HRSG reliability and longevity.
Design Enhancements & Material Upgrades
Rely on Nooter/Eriksen ‘s knowledge and our trusted supplier base for design enhancements & upgrades. Not only can we supply OEM replacement parts such as valves, gaskets, and tubes, but also a wide range of specialty replacement parts or upgrade items. Just let us know what your needs are.